Segmentation Panel

The segmentation panel is the main panel used for segmentation. It allows creating models, modifying materials and selecting different segmentation tools.

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What are the Models

Model is a matrix with dimensions equal to those of the opened Image dataset: i.e. [ 1:imageHeight, 1:imageWidth, 1:imageThickness ]. The Model consists of Materials, each element of the Model matrix can belong only to a single material or to an exterior. So it is not possible to have several materials above the same pixel of the Image overlapping each other. Each material in the Model matrix is encrypted with own index:

Model = [1 1 0 0; 1 1 0 0; 0 0 2 2; 0 0 2 2];
Model =

     1     1     0     0
     1     1     0     0
     0     0     2     2
     0     0     2     2

In this example, the shown matrix represents a Model with 2 materials encrypted with 1 (the upper left corner) and 2 (the lower right corner) for the Image of 4x4 pixels.

1. The Materials list box

The Materials list box shows the names of all materials of the model. When the Show all checkbox is selected all existing materials would be displayed in the Image View panel simultaneously. However, when this checkbox is unchecked the only highlighted material would be shown. Additional context menu is available after selection of material and pressing the right mouse button:

2. The Select from list box

Specifies material for selection. In general use it does not matter which material is selected in this list. However when the Fix selection to material (7.) is checked all selection actions are limited to selected material. It is possible to switch between Exterior (Ext) and any other material with the E shortcut shortcut.

Selection of material in the Select from list and pressing the right mouse button calls a context menu with additional possibilities:

There are Ctrl+A and Alt+A shortcuts that can be used. Here is a table with possible results (the Show Model and Show Mask checkboxes are located in the View Settings panel):

Select fromShow Model checkboxShow Mask checkboxResult of selection
AllOFF or ONOFFNothing
Ext or any materialOFF or ONOFFBackground or selected material
Any entryOFFONMask
Any entryONONMask

The Ctrl+A shortcut will select objects only on the shown slice, while Alt+A will do that for the whole dataset. The selection is sensitive to the Fix selection to material (7.) and the Masked area (11.) switches.

3. The Add to list box

Specifies to which material the selection should be assigned.

For example, material 1 can be selected on all slices (Segmentation Panel->Select from->1, press the Alt+A shortcut) and then copied to the second material 2 (Segmentation Panel->Add to->2, Shift+A). The Shift+A shortcut moves selected areas from the Selection layer to the Model layer, Material 2 for all slices of the dataset. Please refer to the Selection panel reference for more information.

Selection of matirial in the Add to list and pressing the right mouse button calls a context menu with additional possibilities:

4. The + button

Press to add a new material to the model.

5. The - button

Press to delete selected in the Select from list box (2.) material from the model.

6. The "D" checkbox, to select fast access tools

Allows to defining of the favorite selection tools that are called using the 'D' key shortcut. The chosen fast access tools are highlighted with orange background in the Selection type popup menu.

7. The Fix selection to material check box

This check box ensures that all segmentation tools (8.) will be performed only for material selected in the Select from list (2.).

8. Segmentation tools panel

This panel hosts different tools for the segmentation. See more here.

9. The Create button

Starts a new model. The existing Model layer will be removed.

10. The Load button

Loads model from the disk. The following formats are accepted:

Alternatively it is possible to use the Menu->Models->Load model .

11. The Masked area checkbox

This check box ensures that all segmentation tools (8.) will be limited only within the masked areas of the image.

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