Image View Panel

This panel displays slices of the opened dataset. The shown slices may be in the XY, ZX, or ZY dimension, depending on selected mode in the Toolbar. The change of slices is done using the slider/edit box on the left-hand side of the panel. When the opened dataset has only a single slice, the slider and the edit box are not displayed.

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List of possible image layers that may be simultaneously shown in im_browser:

Colors and transparencies of the Model, Mask, and Selection layers may be individually adjusted using the sliders in the View Settings panel and in the Preference dialog.

Mouse actions

Interaction with ROIs, requires the Modify ROI checkbox in the ROI Panel to be checked. Please uncheck it after the ROIs have been modified. See more in the ROI Panel.

Key actions

Extra parameters for the change slices slider.

This slider is only shown when 3D or 4D datasets are loaded. By default, each iteration of the mouse wheel changes the shown image by 1. It is possible to modify this. Press the right mouse button on the slider to set the desired step.

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