Image View Panel
This panel displays slices of the opened dataset. The shown slices may be in the XY, ZX, or ZY dimension, depending on selected mode in the Toolbar. The change of slices is done using the slider/edit box on the left-hand side of the panel. When the opened dataset has only a single slice, the slider and the edit box are not displayed.
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List of possible image layers that may be simultaneously shown in im_browser:
- Single or multichannel image
- Model layer , that contain information about materials of the segmented model, or difference map for correlation analysis. Click to see more about the image layers
- Mask layer, mask layer is a black and white (bitmap) mask that is generated by some of the filters. The mask is a service layer that may be used as a source of shapes for segmentation or as an area for local black-and-white thresholding with the BW Thresholding tool.
- Selection layer, is a temporery layer used for segmentation. This layer may be easily modified and in the end should be sent to the Mask or Model layers.
- ROI layer, if ROIs are enabled, they may be also seen in the Image View panel
Colors and transparencies of the Model, Mask, and Selection layers may be individually adjusted using the sliders in the View Settings panel and in the Preference dialog.
Mouse actions
- move mouse around the image to see pixel information and coordinates in the Path Panel
- Left mouse click, selection of pixels in the image based on specified method in the Segmentation Panel
- Right mouse press + mouse move, turns on the pan mode to move the image left/right and up/down
- Shift + Left mouse click, adds selection to the existing selection
- Ctrl + Left mouse click, removes selection to the existing selection
- Ctrl + mouse wheel, changes size of the brush and other selection tools
- Mouse wheel, changes slices or zooms in/zooms out, depending on the settings in the Preferences dialog
- Shift + Mouse wheel, jumps to 10 slices, number of slices can be defined from a popup menu that appears during the right mouse click above the slices slider in the Image View Panel
Interaction with ROIs, requires the Modify ROI checkbox in the ROI Panel to be checked. Please uncheck it after the ROIs have been modified. See more in the ROI Panel.
- Right mouse click on a ROI vertex to delete it
- Left mouse press on a ROI object + mouse move, allows to move the ROI object around the image
- When mouse pointer above ROI polygon press 'A' + left mouse click to add a new voxel to the ROI polygon
Key actions
- left, down arrow keys or q key, zooms out or changes to the previous slice
- Shift + left, down arrow keys or q key, jumps by 10 slices towards the beginning of the dataset (to change this step, see below)
- right, up arrow keys or w key, zooms in or changes to the next slice
- Shift + right, up arrow keys or w key, jumps by 10 slices towards the end of the dataset (to change this step, see below)
Extra parameters for the change slices slider.
This slider is only shown when 3D or 4D datasets are loaded. By default, each iteration of the mouse wheel changes the shown image by 1. It is possible to modify this. Press the right mouse button on the slider to set the desired step.
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