Path Panel
This panel is used to provide the path to the image dataset.
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1. Logical drive combo box.
This combo box is used for fast selection of logical drives. It is initialized during the start of im_browser and will show only those logical drives that were available during the initialization.
2. '...' button
This button is one of the ways to select a folder. It uses uigetdir Matlab built-in function.
3. Current path edit box
Current path edit box shows the path of the current folder. The contents of the folder is shown in the Directory Contents panel.
4. Pixel Info field
Pixel info field provides information about pixel location and intensity of pixels under the mouse pointer in the Image View panel . The format is: X, Y (Red channel:Green channel:Blue channel).
The right mouse click starts a context menu, that can be used for jumping to any point of the dataset.
5. Log button
Shows the log of actions that were performed for the current dataset. The action log is stored in the ImageDescription field in the TIF files. Each entry in the log list has a date/time stamp.
A brief demonstration is available in the following video:
There are number of actions that are possible to do with the action log:
- Print to Matlab - prints the action log in the Matlab command window
- Copy to Clipboard - stores the action log in the clipboard, so it can be pasted with Ctrl+V (Windows OS) command.
- Insert after - inserts a new entry after the one which is highlighted
- Modify - modifies the highlighted entry
- Delete - deletes the highlighted entry
- Update - the log is not updated automatically, so press this button to update it manually
6. Info button
The Info button opens a window with a tree list of parameters for the opened dataset. It is possible to modify the parameters using the buttons.
The XY image resolution is stored in the XResolution and YResolution fields, and in the BoundingBox info in the ImageDescription field.
7. Zoom Edit box
Zoom Edit box, allows selection of the desired zoom level.
8. Help
Access to this help page
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