Directory Contents Panel

This panel provides the listing of files in the selected directory with a possibility to filter them based on known image and video formats.


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1. Multiple buffer buttons

These buttons allow fast access to several datasets stored in the memory. The green color of the button indicates that there is a dataset loaded. When cursor is above the button a tooltip with the full file name appears to help with identification of the loaded dataset. The datasets may be switched using the left mouse button press on the desired button. The left mouse button shows a popup menu with additional options:

2. Main list box

The major part of the panel is occupied with this list box that shows list of files in the selected directory (the directory can be selected from the Path Panel). The files are filtered with the specified filter (3). Value all known displays all readable formats.

3. Filter

Filter list of files with available image type filters.

am, asf, asx, avi, bmp, cur, fits, fts, gif, hdf, ico, j2c, j2k, jp2, jpeg, jpf, jpg, jpx, mj2, m4v, mj2, mov, mpg, mrc, nrrd, pbm, pcx, pgm, png, pnm, ppm, ras, rec, tif, tiff, wmv, xwd.

4. The Update button

Updates the file list in the Directory contents window.

5. Left Interchangeable Panels

Selected panel will be shown in the lower left part of im_browser

6. Right Interchangeable Panels

Selected panel will be shown in the right bottom part of im_browser.

7. Bio checkbox

im_browser can also open some specific biological image formats. Usually these are the native file formats for different microscopes. The reader for these formats is obtained from LOCI Bio-formats and is based on connected to im_browser LOCI Java library (the library is stored in the File_formats directory). When the Bio checkbox is selected the LOCI reader is called to select a desired dataset.

8. Z-stack checkbox

When checked im_browser combines all shown in the list box (2) files into a single Z-stack.

9. ?.

Access to this help page

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