Statistics for Mask or Model objects

This dialog provides access to statistic values for shapes and intensities for model and mask objects.

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Parameters and Options

  • The Objects panel - using combo boxes of this panel it is possible to select material for analysis and type of the dataset: current slice (2D Slice), current Z-stack (3D Stack) or for the whole volume (4D Dataset).
    For the models with more than 255 materials the upper combo box has a 'Model' option. When this option is used, the tool quantifies all materials of the model at once; as result each material is described with a single value
  • The Shape panel - allows selection of type of objects to detect: |2D| or |3D|
  • 3The Mode panel - when the Object mode is selected the dialog returns statistic that is based on shape properties of objects, otherwise (Intensity mode) based on image intensities behind the objects
Additional info

Important! some parameters can only be calculated in pixels;
in addition, calculation of certain properties (such as MeridionalEccentricity, EquatorialEccentricity, MajorAxisLength, SecondAxisLength, ThirdAxisLength, EquivDiameter, Surface Area) of 3D objects in physical units is correct only for isotropic voxels

Available properties for calculation

Context menu for the Statistics table

Context menu entry Description
New selection
Makes new selection based on the highlighted objects
Add to selection
Adds highlighted objects to the selection
Remove from selection
Removes highlighted objects from the selection
Copy column(s) to clipboard
Copy the content of the highlighted column(s) to the system clipboard
New annotations
Makes a new annotation list: adds a label to the selected objects. The annotations can be accessed via Menu->Models->Annotations or Segmentation panel->Selection type->Annotations
Add to selection
Adds highlighted objects to the annotation list
Remove from annotations
Removes highlighted objects from the annotation list

Calculate Mean
Calculates average value of the highlighted objects and copy it into clipboard
Calculate Sum
Calculates sum of the highlighted objects and copy it into clipboard
Calculate Min
Calculates minimal value of the highlighted objects and copy it into clipboard
Calculate Max
Calculates maximal value of the highlighted objects and copy it into clipboard
Crop to a file/matlab
Crops the dataset based on detected 3D objects. It is possible to add margins during the crop and crop both Model and Mask layers. The results can be saved to a file or exported to MATLAB

  • Target: where to crop the objects
  • MarginXY: extend the bounding box around the object by the specified number of pixels
  • MarginZ: extend the bounding box around the object by the specified number of pixels in the Z dimension
  • Jitter XY centroids use this option to introduce a random jitter of XY coordinates. This jitter will shift the crop window left/right/up/down randomly depending on the provided value in the Variation edit box. The random generator is initialized using the Seed edit box. When seed is 0 a random value used to initalize the random generator. When any other number is used, that number is initializing the random generator
  • Crop Model: also include cropping of the model
  • Crop Mask: also include cropping of the mask
  • Single Mask object per dataset: keep only a main object in the crop of the Mask, enabled only when the objects were identified from the mask layer

    The data is exported to MATLAB as a structure [Filename_IndexOfTheObject] with the following fields:
  • .img - cropped image [1:height, 1:width, 1:colors, 1:stacks]
  • .meta - meta data for the cropped image [1:height, 1:width, 1:colors, 1:stacks]
  • .Model - a structure with the Model, including .model, .modelMaterialNames, .modelMaterialColors fields
  • .labelText - cell array with annotations
  • .labelPosition - a matrix with coordinates for the annotations [z, x, y]
  • .Mask - a matrix with the Mask layer [1:height, 1:width, 1:stacks] that corresponds to the cropped image
The exported data can be imported back to MIB using the Menu->File->Import image from...->MATLAB and providing variables to import, for example Filename_IndexOfTheObject.img and Filename_IndexOfTheObject.meta.
Or for the Model: Menu->Models->Import model from MATLAB-> and providing variable with the model, for example Filename_IndexOfTheObject.Model.
Objects to a new model
Generate a new model, where each of the selected objects will be assigned to an own index
Plot histogram
Draws a histogram bar plot from the selected data


Statistical properties of 3D objects

Calculate properties of 3D objects of the dataset.

List of 3D properties

  • Area - calculates total number of pixels (~volume) within the 3D objects.
  • Endpoints Length - calculates the distance between two end points of a line segment. Please note that the width of the line should be 1. It is recommended to use Membrane ClickTracker tool in the Segmentation panel with the option Straight line and Width=1. Note! The resulting numbers are calculated in the image units.
  • EquatorialEccentricity - returns the Equatorial Eccentricity, defined as the eccentricity of the section through the second longest and the shortest axes. The resulted values between 1 (line) and 0 (sphere)
  • FilledArea - calculates total number of pixels (~volume) within the filled 3D objects.
  • Holes Area - finds cavities within 3D objects and calculate their total number of pixels (~volume).
  • MajorAxisLength - returns the length of the major axis in pixels
  • MeridionalEccentricity - returns Meriodional Eccentricity, defined as the eccentricity of the section through the longest and the shortest axes
  • SecondAxisLength - returns the length of the second major axis in pixels
  • ThirdAxisLength - returns the length of the minor axis in pixels


Statistical properties of 2D objects

Calculate properties of 3D objects of the dataset.

List of 2D properties

  • Area - calculates total number of pixels within the 2D objects.
  • ConvexArea - calculates total number of pixels of the smallest convex polygon that can contain the object.
  • CurveLengthInPixels - calculate the length of curve objects in pixels. It is possible to measure the length of both closed and non-closed curves. Please note! It is required that the curves are thinned (Menu->Selection->Morphological operations) and the branch points are removed (The branch points may be found by selecting material and run branch point detection, Menu->Selection->Morphological operations|).
  • CurveLengthInUnits - calculates the length of curved objects in physical units of the dataset. It is possible to measure the length of both closed and non-closed curves. Please note! It is required that the curves are thinned (Menu->Selection->Morphological operations) and the branch points are removed (The branch points may be found by selecting material and run branch point detection, Menu->Selection->Morphological operations|).
  • Eccentricity - calculates eccentricity of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the object. The eccentricity is the ratio of the distance between the foci of the ellipse and its major axis length. The value is between 0 and 1. (0 and 1 are degenerate cases; an ellipse whose eccentricityis 0 is actually a circle, while an ellipse whose eccentricity is 1 is a line segment.)
  • Endpoints Length - calculates the distance between two end points of a line segment. Please note that the width of the line should be 1. It is recommended to use Membrane ClickTracker tool in the Segmentation panel with the option Straight line and Width=1. If the lines were drawn with the Brush tool they have to be thinned. The thinning may be achieved with the Brush tool size 1 or/and Thinning the objects using Menu->Selection->Morphological 2D operations->Thin. Note! The resulting numbers are calculated in the image units.
  • EquivDiameter - calculates the diameter of a circle with the same area as the object. Computed as sqrt(4*Area/pi).
  • EulerNumber - calculates the number of objects in the region minus the number of holes in those objects, i.e. the object with 1 hole has the Euler number 0, while the object with 2 holes has the Euler number -1.
  • Extent - calculates the ratio of pixels in the object to pixels in the total bounding box. Computed as the Area divided by the area of the bounding box.
  • FirstAxisLength - length of the major 2D axis of the object, in contrast to MajorAxisLength this property returns the real length of the object rather than that for the ellipse
  • FilledArea - calculates the number of pixels of the filled object.
  • Holes Area - finds holes and calculates total number of pixels within them.
  • MajorAxisLength - calculates the length (in pixels) of the major axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moments as the object.
  • MinorAxisLength - calculate the length (in pixels) of the minor axis of the ellipse that has the same normalized second central moments as the object.
  • Orientation - calculates the angle (in degrees ranging from -90 to +90 degrees) between the x-axis and the major axis of the ellipse that has the same second-moments as the object.
  • Perimeter - calculates the distance around the boundary of the object. It is computed as the perimeter by calculating the distance between each adjoining pair of pixels around the border of the region
  • SecondAxisLength - length of the minor 2D axis of the object, in contrast to MinorAxisLength this property returns the real length of the object rather than that for the ellipse
  • Solidity - calculates the proportion of the pixels in the convex hull that are also in the object. Computed as Area/ConvexArea.


Statistical properties of intensities of 2D/3D objects

These properties are calculated when the Intensity radio button in the Mode panel is selected.

List of intenstity properties

  • MinIntensity - detects minimal value of the image intensity within 2D or 3D objects.
  • MaxIntensity - detects maximal value of the image intensity within 2D or 3D objects.
  • MeanIntensity - calculates average intensity of the image within 2D or 3D objects.
  • StdIntensity - calculates standard deviation intensity of the image within 2D or 3D objects.
  • SumIntensity - calculates sum of the image intensities within 2D or 3D objects.
  • Correlation - calculates correlation between image intensities of the two selected color channels. See more in the help of MATLAB corr2 function.

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