Directory Contents Panel

This panel displays a list of files in the selected directory and provides the option to filter them based on known image and video formats.

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1. Multiple buffer buttons

Multiple buffer buttons at the upper part of the panel provide fast access to several datasets stored in the memory. Each button represents a dataset, and the green color indicates that a dataset is loaded in that buffer. When you hover your cursor over a button, a tooltip with the full file name of the loaded dataset appears, helping you identify the dataset.

You can switch between datasets by clicking the left mouse button on the desired buffer button.

Additionally, clicking the left mouse button on a buffer button opens a popup menu with additional options:

These buffer buttons and their associated options provide convenient ways to manage and interact with multiple datasets in MIB, allowing you to switch between datasets, duplicate them, synchronize views, link views, and remove datasets from memory as needed

2. File list box

The major part of the panel is occupied by a list box that displays a list of files in the selected directory. The directory can be chosen from the Path Panel. The files in the list are filtered based on the specified filter. Selecting Filter: all known ▼ displays all readable formats.

Navigating Folders

Selecting and Loading Datasets

Selecting and Loading Datasets

3. Filter

The Filter dropdown ▼ allows you to filter the list of files based on available image type filters. The available extensions in the filter list depend on whether the standard or Bio-Formats reader (see below) is used and whether or not the virtual mode is enabled. There are four different configurations for image format filters.

To modify the list of filters, follow these steps:
  1. Press the right mouse key over Filter dropdown ▼
  2. Select one of the options:
    • Register extension - this option allows you to add extensions to the filter list
    • Remove selected extension - this option allows you to remove a selected extension from the filter list

4. The Update button

Updates the file list in the Directory contents window.

5. Left Interchangeable Panels

Selected panel will be shown in the lower left part of MIB

6. Right Interchangeable Panels

Selected panel will be shown in the right bottom part of MIB.

7. [✓] Bio checkbox

When the Bio checkbox is selected in MIB, the Bio-formats reader is called to load desired datasets. MIB is capable of opening specific biological image formats, which are typically the native file formats for different microscopes.

The reader for these formats is obtained from Bio-formats and is based on the connected MIB Bio-formats Java library. The library is stored in the mib\ImportExportTools\BioFormats directory.
Please note that perfomance of the Bio-Formats reader may be slower than the standard native readers due to Java-related overheads.

8. ?.

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