Menu->File->Example datasets
Menu->File->Render volume->MIB rendering
Menu->Image->Tools for images->White balance correction
)Menu->File->Save image as...
template for saving images to Batch Processing Menu->Image->Image Filters->Basic image filtering->DistanceMap
)Menu->Image->Image Filters->Basic image filtering->MathOps
)Menu->Image->Tools for Images->Intensity projection
to highlight the connected objects using the Mask layerOptions tab->Tools->Balance classes
)right click over selected filenames->Load part of the dataset (AM and TIF)
)Menu->Tools->Measure length->Measure tool
)Segmentation panel->Annotations->show prompt
tag to inherit directory name from DIR LOOP when saving images using the Protocol organizer"end"
tag to the crop operation for the Protocol organizerMenu->Models->Convert type->Indexed objects
)Menu->Plugins->File processing->Image converter: TIF->XML
)Menu->Tools->Measure length->Measure tool
key shortcut to stop placing measurementsShift+Alt+RMB
key shortcut to pan the imageShift+LMB
] Added 2D DeepLabV3-Resnet18 architecture for semantic segmentationDeepMIB
] Added selection of the output format as MIB Model or TIFDeepMIB
] Added possibility to return the trained network with the best validation loss (Training settings, requires R2021b or newer)DeepMIB
] Added indicator of the iteration with the selected network and rendering of training and validation final loss values that were missing on the progress training plot DeepMIB
] Fixed probability of generation of an augmented patchMCcalc
] Added calculation of areas and average min thickness for the main objectsMCcalc
] Added calculation contacts between objects of the same materialSegmentation table->Annotations->Annotation list->Load
Annotations->Annotation list->List of annotations->Convert selected annotations to Mask
)Menu->Models->Save model as
)Menu->Help->Call for help
] added counting of labels in model files (Options->Count labels
] fixed bug with selection of 'Multi GPU' for predictionMenu->Dataset->Alignment tool->HDD
)Annotations->Annotation list->Settings
)Menu->Models->Save model as->MATLAB format 2D sequence (*.model)
)Menu->Image->Image filters...
)Menu->Plugins->File Processing->ImageConverter
)Menu->Plugins->Organelle analysis->MCcalc
)Menu->Image->Color channels->Shift channel
] DeepMIB
] Added GPU Info window (Network panel->?
] DeepMIB
] Added parallel pre-processingDeepMIB
] DeepMIB
] Added maskingDeepMIB
] DeepMIB
] Train tab->Augmentation->Preview
and ->Settings
] Added configurable (Options tab->Custom training plot
) preview of augmented patches during trainingDeepMIB
] DeepMIB
] DeepMIB
] DeepMIB
] Added options for export of prediction scoresDeepMIB
] Prediction tab->Evaluate segmentation
] Added filenames and export to CSV to evaluate segmentation operationDeepMIB
] DeepMIB
] Fixed loading of config on various OSDeepMIB
] Updated training progress plot and added configuration parametersDeepMIB
] Improved performance of image preprocessing for AmiraMeshMenu->Tools->Deep learning segmentation
)Menu->Image->Image Filters
)Menu->Image->Image filters...
)Menu->Tools->Wound healing assay
classSegmentation panel->Squeeze button
)Menu->Plugins->Organelle analysis->Surface area3D
)Menu->Plugins->Plasmodesmata->Spatial control points
)Menu->Plugins->Plasmodesmata->Cell wall thickness
)Menu->File->Batch processing
)Menu->Models->Render model->MATLAB volume viewer
, R2019 or newer, MATLAB version only)Segmentation panel->Drag and Drop materials
)Menu->Image->Tools for images->Content-aware fill
, R2019a and newer)Menu->Image->Tools for images->Debris removal
)Menu->Dataset->Alignment->Algorithm:Color channels, multi points
, R2019 or newer)View settings->Display->Right click over the min/max buttons
) key shortcut to toggle between current and previous image containerMenu->Image->Tools for images->Image arithmetic...
)Menu->Tools->Semi-automatic segmentation->Global thresholding
)Menu->Models->Render model->MATLAB isosurface
)Menu->Image->Tools for images->Intensity projection->Focus stacking
)Menu->File->Save image as->Amira Mesh binary file sequence
)Menu->Help->Tip of the day
)Mask generators panel->Morphological filters
)Single Mask object per dataset
option when cropping objects from the Get Statistics dialogMenu->Image->Tools for images->Image arithmetic...
)Menu->File->Preferences->External dirs
Toolbar->center point button
)Menu->File->Rename and shuffle
)Menu->File->Make movie
)Directory contents panel->Filter combobox->Right mouse click
)Menu->File->Chopped images->Import->Fuse
)Menu->Dataset->Transform->Add frame
)Segmentation panel->3D lines
)Menu->Image->Tools for images->Image arithmetics...
)Menu->File->Rename and shuffle
) to shuffle images for blind modeling and restore the models back to the original sets of imagesMenu->Dataset->Alignment
)Menu->File->Render volume->MATLAB volume viewer
or Menu->Models->Render model->MATLAB volume viewer
, only the MATLAB version of MIB, requires MATLAB R2017a and newer)Menu->Selection->Morphological 2D/3D operations
, (only for MATLAB R2018a and newer)Menu->Dataset->Slice->Insert an empty slice
) and to insert an existing slice into another position (Menu->Dataset->Slice->Copy slice...
)Menu->File->Preferences->External dirs
, please remove IMARISPATH
variable from the system environmental variablesMenu->Models->Model statistics...
)GPU block
parameter in Image filters->DNN Denoise
Menu->Models->Render model->MATLAB isosurface and export to Imaris
), require Imaris 8Toolbar->Snapshot tool->white Bg
)Menu->Image->Tools for images->Intensity projection...
Image filters panel->External: BMxD
)Menu->Dataset->Transform->Add frame
)Menu->Models->Annotations->Annotation list->RMB over the list of selected annotations->Rename selected annotations...
)Images->MorphOps->Morph Closing
Menu->Tools->Semi-automatic segmentation->Graphcut
Image Filters Panel->Filter->DNN Denoise
), requires MATLAB R2017b or newer and Neural Network ToolboxMenu->Models->Annotations->Export to Imaris as Spots
)RMB over the file name -> Insert into the open dataset
to customizable mibInputMultiDlg
), now after use of these tools the selection is not shown[Programming]
moved mibController.connImaris
to mibModel.connImaris
updated syntax of mibImage.clearMask
Menu->Image->Tools for images->Select image frame...
)List of annotations
window: Segmentation panel->Annotations->Annotation list->Right mouse
click over the table with annotations
Segmentation panel->Annotations->Annotation list->Right mouse
click over the table with annotations
Segmentation panel->Annotations->Annotation list->Save
)Segmentation panel->Annotations->Annotation list->Sort table
Menu->Selection->Morphological 2D/3D opetations->Thin
] Added material names parameter to call of mibImage.createModel
functionGet Statistics
window in the the Add and Replace modesLog List
window when switching datasets.x, .y, .z
are present in mibModel.getDataXD/mibModel.setDataXD
functionsMenu->Help->Class Reference
Menu->Selection->Selection to buffer->Paste to all slices (Ctrl+Shift+V)
File->Models->Save model as...->MATLAB format for MIB ver. 1 (*.mat))
property of mibImage
class has been moved to mibModel