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Installation Instructions
There are some additional packages and tools that can be used with MIB, for example, segment-anything model from Meta, Fiji, and many others.
Details on how to enable these tools in MIB can be found in the System Requirements page under Optional section.


MIB stores its configuration parameters:
    MIB 2.60 and newer:
  • Windows in C:\Users\Username\MATLAB\mib.mat or the second choice in the Windows TEMP directory C:\Users\Username\AppData\Local\Temp\
  • MacOs in /Users/username/MATLAB or the second choice the local TEMP directory
  • Linux in /home/username/MATLAB or the second choice the local TEMP directory

    MIB 2.52 and older:
  • Windows in c:\temp\im_browser.mat or when c:\temp is not available then the configuration parameters can be found in C:\Users\User-name\AppData\Local\Temp\im_browser.mat
  • Linux in the script directory or in the local tmp directory (/tmp)

The configuration file is automatically created after closing of MIB.
If MIB does not start check MATLAB path and/or delete c:\temp\im_browser.mat file.

GUI scaling of MIB (MIB 2 only)
  • [Windows] When using large system fonts, adjust the system scaling factor:
    MIB->Menu->File->Preferences->User interface tweaks->GUI scaling->Operating system scaling factor
    For example, if the font size is Medium, set the scaling factor to 1.25
    system font scaling
    How to modify system scaling settings

  • [MacOS, Linux] If the size of GUI is not optimal it can be tweaked from the GUI scaling dialog:
    MIB->Menu->File->Preferences->User interface tweaks->GUI scaling

    • The user interface can look not optimal on high density screens, for example, fonts and panels can be too small for comfortable work
      Mac GUI scaling
    • This can be fixed from the Preferences window (Menu->File->Preferences->GUI Scaling)
      Mac GUI scaling
    • Please provide a scaling factor to increase size of GUI widgets
      Mac GUI scaling
    • You can use the Font size edit boxes to increase the size of fonts:
      Mac GUI scaling
    • Sometimes, some widgets of GUI are rescaled wrongly, as the tables in the following image
      Mac GUI scaling
    • Scaling of individual widgets can be turned on and off in the GUI scaling dialog
      Mac GUI scaling
    • The look of the user interface after scaling
      Mac GUI scaling

  • Optional tools
    MIB can be extended with various usable optional tools, unfortunately due to various reasons those tools can not be automatically installed and require manual installation or configuration.
    Check the System Requirements section for optional software packages as segment-anything, BMxD filters, FIJI, and other options.

    Define Java Heap space
    When using the BioFormats reader or FijiConnect you may get an error message that the amount of available Java heap space is too low:
    Java exception occurred:
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
    Java exception occurred:
    java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space

    This can be fixed by increasing Java Heap Space value in MATLAB

    MIB under MATLAB environment

    • Open MATLAB preferences
      Start MATLAB preferences dialog
      Start MATLAB preferences dialog
    • Navigate to
      MATLAB->General->Java Heap Memory Java Heap Memory settings
      Java Heap Memory settings
    • Use the slider to increase Java Heap size to the desired value
    • Press OK and restart MATLAB

    Standalone MIB

    The following instructions are for Windows:
    • Navigate to
      [USERNAME] is the name of the current user
      [MATLAB_VERSION] is a numeric MATLAB version (for example, mcrCache9.11)
    • Open matlab.prf for editing
    • Modify JavaMemHeapMax=Ixxxx to a desired value, where xxxx should be replaced with new desired memory allocation value in Mb
    • Save the file
    • Restart MIB

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